Every veteran security manager grapples with the well-known balancing act of trying to keep costs in check while getting maximum performance from a team of security guards.

That list of financial and tactical challenges is long, and they aren’t new. With the exception of the standard collection of radios and flashlights, foot patrols haven’t changed much in a thousand years.

The limitations of those human security teams are broad and, when taken together, pretty frustrating.

The alternative is a futuristic solution that is, at last, no longer actually in the future; A robotic fleet of airborne drones that can — at a fraction of the cost of a human guard — automatically, independently, and thoroughly get the job done, avoiding the hurdles that frustrate security managers. Indoor drones include a broad collection of advanced technologies that grant them incredible capabilities..

Article by Ofir Bar Levav, CBO. Read the article here : Security Info Watch .
